Family Law

Angry couples at each other

Navigating Divorce: Protecting Assets and Minimizing Financial Impact

Divorce can have substantial financial implications, often leading to significant loss of assets. Legal fees, alimony, asset division, child support, and retirement accounts can affect asset ownership. Average Americans have a net worth of around $740,000, which increases for high-net-worth individuals undergoing divorce. Protecting your assets during a divorce can be done through prenuptial agreements, […]

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couple having misunderstanding

Is Your Marriage Struggling? What Steps to Consider

Marital struggles are common and can be addressed through open communication and understanding. Professional help like marriage therapy can provide tools for conflict management and relationship improvement. In some situations, divorce may be necessary for individual growth and happiness. Pre-divorce discussions about legal rights, property division, and child custody are crucial for a fair process.

Is Your Marriage Struggling? What Steps to Consider Continue Reading

family law concept

5 Tips for Effective Guardianship In Your Family

Consider conservatorship when assuming the role of guardianship in a family. Explore all available options for care and support for your family member. Be prepared to manage tasks associated with guardianship, including legal implications, financial support, and any special needs of the ward. Communicate clearly with all involved parties and document decisions in writing. Set boundaries and expectations for guardianship to

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divorce lawyer

How To Make Intelligent Decisions Through A Divorce

Seek legal help from a divorce attorney to protect your business interests.  Negotiate an agreement for fair child support and alimony payments. Assess business assets and list them in detail with the help of an accountant.  Try to settle out of court if possible and keep business operations ongoing.  Focus on self-care, getting adequate rest,

How To Make Intelligent Decisions Through A Divorce Continue Reading

last will and testament paper

Planning Your Final Wishes: Important Considerations for Writing a Last Will

Writing a valid will following specific legal requirements is crucial to ensure that your loved ones are provided for after your death. According to the signature requirement, witnesses must be present when the testator signs. According to the witnesses required law, when a will is signed, two impartial individuals must be present to verify the mental ability

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A child in the middle of her arguing parents

Resolving Custody Disputes Between Parents

• Custody disputes between parents can arise from disagreement about a child’s education and care or parental rights.  • To resolve these disputes, options include mediation, family counseling, and parenting classes.  • If all other attempts to resolve the dispute fail, legal action may be required through the court system. • During this process, it

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a person writing

Every Lawyer Every Family Should Have Access to

Families need to comply with rules and regulations to live harmoniously within society. Rules and regulations play a vital role in safeguarding the rights of individuals, protecting public safety, and promoting social justice. When families adhere to laws, they can trust that their communities will be safe, supportive, and orderly places to raise their families.

Every Lawyer Every Family Should Have Access to Continue Reading

caught cheating concept

Suspicious of Partner Infidelity? What Steps to Take

Cheating in marriage is a serious issue affecting many couples in the United States and worldwide. The likelihood of cheating increases when either partner has doubts or suspicions about their commitment or relationship. Studies have shown that an estimated 20–25% of married men and 10–15% of married women have cheated on their partners at least

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Marriage Options: What is a Prenuptial Agreement and Should Get One?

Getting married is a huge decision, both emotionally and financially. It’s estimated that about 1.6 million Americans get married annually. Some of these couples live a long and healthy relationship, staying together, and building families together. Unfortunately, however, a decent chunk of these couples also gets separated. It’s estimated that about 600,000 married couples get

Marriage Options: What is a Prenuptial Agreement and Should Get One? Continue Reading

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