Know Your Rights as a Lorry Driver

A lorry truck

As a lorry driver, you must know your rights and the law. If you're a commercial truck driver, it's important to know your rights. Trucking is a regulated industry, and there are laws in place to protect drivers from unfair practices. This article will outline five crucial points to remember when on the road.

Unemployment Benefit

As a lorry driver, you have the right to claim unemployment benefits if you have lost your job and meet the other conditions for claiming benefits. To be eligible, you must have worked as a lorry driver for at least 26 weeks in the last year, and you must be currently unemployed and actively seeking work.

You will also need to have paid enough National Insurance contributions in the last two years. If you are eligible, you can claim up to £73 per week in benefits for up to six months. After that, you may be able to claim Jobseeker's Allowance, up to £73.10 per week. You can contact your local Jobcentre Plus office if you have any questions about your entitlement or need help applying for benefits.

Working Time Regulations

As a lorry driver, you have the right to working time regulations that protect your health and safety. These regulations limit the number of hours you can work a day and week and the amount of night work you can do. They also give you the right to regular breaks, including an uninterrupted rest break of at least 45 minutes after 4.5 hours of work.

In addition, you have the right to 11 hours of rest every 24 hours and a minimum of 24 hours of rest every seven days. If you are required to work more than 48 hours a week, you must opt-out of the working time directive in writing. However, you can still choose to opt back in at any time. The working time regulations protect your health and safety, so you must be aware of your rights as a lorry driver.


As a lorry driver, you have the right to overtime pay if you work more than 40 hours weekly. This is because lorry driving is considered a hazardous occupation, and the extra hours represent a significant risk to your health and safety.

A Lorry driver

In addition, overtime pay is meant to compensate you for the inconvenience of working long hours and the increased stress levels of the job. If your employer attempts to deny you overtime pay, you can file a complaint with the Department of Labor.

However, it is important to remember that not all lorry drivers are entitled to overtime pay. For example, if you are an independent contractor or work for a small business, you may not be covered by the overtime rules. Therefore, it is essential to know your rights before you agree to work additional hours.

Pay Docking

As a professional lorry driver, you have the right to be paid for your work. This includes any time spent waiting to load or unload your cargo. If your employer docks your pay for this time, they are breaking the law.

If you think your employer is illegally docking your pay, you should first talk to them about it. If they are unwilling to listen or change their policy, you can file a complaint with the Department of Labor.

You may be entitled to back pay and other damages if you can prove that your employer has been docking your pay. You may also be able to file a class-action lawsuit against your employer if they have been docking the pay of other lorry drivers.

Legal Aid

As a lorry driver, you have certain legal rights if you are involved in an accident. First and foremost, you can remain silent. You do not have to answer any questions or give a statement to the police without a lawyer present.

In addition, you have the right to legal aid if you cannot afford your lawyer. If you are involved in a civil lawsuit, you may also be entitled to free legal assistance. This means you can get help preparing and filing your case and representing yourself in court.

But if you have the finance, you can hire a lorry truck labor lawyer to help you with the lawsuit. This is especially helpful if you feel that the accident resulted from the other driver's lack of awareness and not because of you. The lawyer can help you file the case and even win it.


You must be aware of your rights if you are a lorry driver. You have the right to be paid for your work and should not be subject to pay docking. You also have the right to a driving test and may be eligible for legal aid if you are involved in an accident. Knowing your rights can help you protect yourself and treat you fairly.

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