Legal News

Child Custody

Coping with Custody Loss: What to Do If You Lose Child Custody

• Understand your legal rights, such as seeking visitation or contesting a court order.  • Seek professional help to cope with the emotional impact of custody loss and get advice on moving forward.  • Consider self-care activities and ways to improve your financial situation if needed.  • Maintain a respectful relationship with your ex-partner and

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Why Resolving Divorce Discussions in Mediation Makes Sense

Divorce is never an easy topic to discuss, but it is an unfortunately common occurrence in society. When a couple decides to divorce, they often quickly spiral into heated discussions about finances, property, and child custody. The emotional stress of the situation can lead to bad decision-making and can even further damage an already fractured

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drinking and driving

Drunk Driving: What You Should Expect When Asked to Pull Over

Drunk driving may be a common offense. Yet, its penalties and consequences can be serious. You might think driving under the influence of alcohol is fun; think again. Drunk driving is one of the leading fatalities on the road in the United States. Based on the data of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),

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businessman expanding his business

Growing a Business Through Physical Locations

Over the past few years, the Internet has become an avenue for innovation for entrepreneurs. The Internet essentially changed how we live, including how we create businesses. Today, eCommerce is stronger than ever. And business owners are benefiting from it the most. The Internet has essentially allowed entrepreneurs to establish businesses without any physical location.

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